Each Beautiful Certificate is 8.5" x 11" and arrives ready to Frame - Over 45,000 Names, Meanings, and Origins - Birthdate Information - Astrological Traits - Professional High Resolution Certificate - Name and Birthdate Information Completely Customizable certificate with the meaning of your first name. It is available in English as well as in Spanish. It is shipped in a clear presentation bag to protect your certificate. You can take your gift to the next level when you add one of our beautiful 11" x 14" bezel cut double mats in the color of your choice for an additional $8.
If you choose to add a mat Please choose the color of your mat from those below and enter your selection on the product page.
Awesome product
This product is amazing, this is my 3rd-4th order from Up front gifts. Every product I have ever purchased from here has been awesome and I expected and got this awesome product for my wife. Very well crafted and very well put together I would recommend Upfrontgifts.com to anyone and everyone.