The most important lessons in team-play are friendship and sportsmanship. After anxiously sleeping the night before the competition, your child feels muscle soreness and wonders how he or she will perform. It turns out that the pain was too much to play well and the opposing team disappointingly wins the game. Of course the coach gives praise to your child’s team for “giving 100 percent” but sadness over the loss is dismissed after the game when all the team-mates joke and have fun with your child. All the players get a “participation trophy” for their efforts and these are the greatest lessons of team sports. Features:
For Ages 5-12
This is a quality hard-cover personalized children's book
Your child is getting ready to watch the hockey championship on TV, when injury strikes one of the starting players. The coach needs a new substitute player and tells the general manager he heard...
Whether graduating from high school or college, this personalized memory book will become a permanent record of your graduate’s educational journey and the people...
This makes a terrific gift for the older child at a time when the baby seems to be receiving all the attention. Coping with the arrival of a new baby can be very difficult for some children...